CELLUM Conditioned Medias are specifically optimized for use in culture of different cell types applicable to compounding of dermatological (wound healing, hair regeneration) & dental bone regeneration, periodontal disease solutions. The primary cells selected are extensively characterized and cultured in our proprietary media and harvested at its optimal stage achieving high levels of growth factors and cytokines. All Cellum Conditioned Medias are designed to be formulated with other ingredients for topical applications. The stability in color and pH allows predictable compounding results on finished goods both in laboratory and manufacturing production lines.

      • Cell growth rates exceed other commercially available conditioned media while maintaining consistent cell morphology and viability.
      • Topical solutions supplemented Cellum�s conditioned media have proven efficacy and safety through over 1 million cases worldwide.


      • Optimized for culturing Human Fibroblasts in a defined, Serum-Free environment as it supports the growth of cells at rates equal to or greater than media supplemented with serum.
      • It does not contain any serum, antimicrobials or phenol red due to ongoing concerns regarding the use of the aforementioned products in topical solutions.